A Comment of Mark Pagel: How Language Transformed Humanity
The presentacion of Mr. Pagel deals with the trouble of how we interpret the polemic topic of the lenguaje in the human evolution and particulary inside the Social Sciences.
I think the author introduces important points in the discussion about the social role of language and its power to construct reality. But I desagree with the form to define the lenguaje. He only understand the lenguaje as a fonetic/writing expression but he doesn't consider the no-verbal lenguaje that it is utilized by animals as gestures or chemical manifestations. I consider the lenguage as a exchange of information in diferentes ways.
Also I think that Pagel starts his tesis around a myth: the learning social is a exclusively skill of the human being. This is false. Ethologists have been demostrated that Big Primates can imitate and learn actions of their pairs. So, I feel that Pagel dont take in count the process more biological as a point important and his analysis is according anthropocentric criteria.
Nevertheless, I agree that the language constructs identity, being very evocative the interpretation about the passage of the Babel's Tower in the Bible.
Finally, I take conscience that this tool can transformed our conditions and transform reality only with a sound but I totally desagree with the option to create a language in common for all the world, because this process supressed all the nuances and forms of expresion diverse that each comunity have to name and create thier his enviroment social.
good and reflective post!