Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cast No Shadow

The rock song that I'm going to talk about was made thirteen years before and it was part of the (What`s the Story) Morinig Glory album of the british rock band Oasis, wich is regarded as one of the best rock-pop band of the last years in the internacional scene.

The first time I heard it was when I was coming back to the school at home at the public transport. Precisely that day hadn´t been a happy day. I was exhausted and bored and I only wanted to arrive to my house to rest a little. However, I feel -since the first chords- that I experimented a relax sensation inmediately.  For this reason, it was indispensable save something of money to buy the album and enjoy it at home.

I like it because its soft unplagged rhytmn added to its deep lyrics make me remember old friends and beatiful experiencies that we usually forget product of the modern life and su quick development. This song create a especial atmosphere to think about any problem. It give a big energy to believe in the destiny and confront life’s challenges. Also, it

Regrettable, Oasis is divided and now Gallagher’s brothers have formed two different bands.

I leave the link to heard Oasis in his real dimention:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The invention of the century!

The technology is a tool wich is with us all time. But there is a essential thing for me that I never leave at home: my MP4. I bought it in the last summer because the previous device was broken in a really unlucky incident for a person music-dependent who needs  listen to music everyday.
This new small device has changed my life. I can forget everything, except my plastic friend.
That's happend because I love music and I can't survive without a inspiring song. Especially, in the morning when I'm sleepy. In this case,  the music is really important to wake up, open the eyes and get energies to stand the long day. 
Also, the Mp4 has multiple virtues. You can store a lot of songs, of many kinds of music depending of the circumstamnces: punk to encourage, reggae to relax , folk to sing or rock to dream  be a rocksatr someday . It's so confortable and it isn't hard to use. Its size is excellent to
 put it on your pocket and enjoy for hours. As well you can use it to academic aplication. For example to record classes or save works. But the better, it's that nobody wants stole it because my Mp4 doesn't have camera, touch screen or nothing else xD.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why do you have to study Anthroplogy?

Well, now it´s time to write about me. I grew up in a humanistic familiy, so since I was a child  I had the interest to know about the diffrents ways of life through the time. I was so curious, I tried to understand why the things were this mode.
In the school, I loved literature, history ,art and other subjects but I didn't what I wanted to study.
But one day of the last year, I thought that Anthropology was the correct option because it combinated all that I liked.
Latinoamerican History is the best subject beause I can recognize subterraean histories of our continent.
This career is where all the areas of knowledge converge to study the human in diverse perspectives. It's so important also to understand changes that suffer society, persons, culture and try to resolve the problemas wich appears as product of this transformations.
Certainly, the anthropology should have a practic use to guarantee the wellfare of the all the society.
Perhaps, the first thing to do is achieve some habilities. The profesional of the culture needs to be creative, tireless and so empatic to develop his career with all its vitality.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cuba, the hidden treasure

The following story is about my first journey outside Chile. It was in the hot summer of 1999, when I was a little child of six years. I remember that I was so excited to travel to Cuba, although I didn' t know anything about this interesting caribbeann island.
The trip's group was composed by my parents, my aunt and uncle and his son. We arrived to La Habana in the beginnings of February. The city was a perfect combination between  antique arquitecture and  awesome history. There, life developed itself in the street. The cuban people spent the day, eating, singing, talking in front of his houses. They're so kind and funny.
Also we visited important places of the revolutionary struggle that it was leaded by figures as Fidel Castro o Che Guevara. The Moncada barracks gave a shocking view with his bombarded walls. We went to the Bodeguita del Medio, a famous bar where Ernest Hemingway drank somes mojitos a couple of years before.
But Cuba isn't only politcs, also it had a wonderfull beachs with white sand and blue sea, especially to relax after a long walk day.
Cuba is difinitely a unforgetable experience for his culture and beauty.