Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The Blues is one of my favorite kind of music although  isn't  very known actually.  However it has a great influence in the development of the rock and the modern music.
The Blues has a wonderful history, it borned of the black hands of the slaves brought of Africa  that worked in the Mississipi's bank. This place was the birthplace of this style of music that tried to express all the poverties caused for their slave's condition. Later will use to sing about everything since love's conflict to social's problems. That was  a revolution in the rhytm of this period because the blues used different ways of melodic construction and other guitar's technique.
Also, Many people doesn't know that the blues is the father of the rock.
There are many musicians that devoted his life for the blues. But there are masters that are essentials. They are the old school that it not dead. This is the case of Jhon Lee Hooker or B. B. King, celebrities of the blues for their talent to play the guitar and create lyrics inspiring who they already keep playing with the same maestry of their young years.
In our country we have good blues bands like la Rata Blusera or Queltehues Blues Band wich are agrupations that rescue the bohemian, rebellious and crazy essence of the blues.
So, it`s why The Blues not dead!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hoorniman's, London

It's hard to decide what's your favorite picture. Each one have something special and they rememdered wonderful moments. But, I already have my choice.It isn't very clear but it shows the lively atmosphere that it had in the place.
This picture is one of my last summer's holidays. I had the great oportunity to travel to Europe with my parents in a tour of one month. I visited many countries in a couple of days and one of them was England, especifically London, a incredible city, famous for the Big Ben and its royal family.
I remember that this day was rainy and we were exhausted at the afternoon, we had walked all the day in crowded streets, trying to visited all the landmarks and atraccionts of the britain's capital. Perhaps, we wanted know the english night life. For this reason and with the help of a touristic guide, we found a interesting and authentic pub in Dockland, zone where formerly was the docks that recive all the products of America, Asia and Africa. The name of the pub -public house in the english tradition- was Hoornimans, it sounded like a invitation to enter and ask a cold irish beer at the bar. In the picture, I was drinking my first and last glass because unfortunately I had to go to bed in good conditions to be good in the morning.
I like very much this picture because it make remember a great travel where I meet a lot of people and costums of another societies.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Surfing on the Web !

Normally we don't know what we want to discover. But when we know it's important search in reliable sources
Search information in Internet is a ability that it semms simple but it's more difficult especially if is in another lenguage. Internt is useful tool that it permit to millions of people accede, share and produce information about any topic. In this case, we use this massive instrument to plain a hipotetic travel's programm in London. This city  has many interesting to do and see, since royal castles to crowded and suggestive bars. For this reason, it's necessary create a good proyect to exploit all the landmaks. This activity helps to developing our inquisitive experience that it influence in if we find or not some information in  a inmense wealth of knowledge. So, I had realized that obtain fidedign information is a essential part of our career because anthropology needs be  sincere with the reality.