Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wasting time at the net

This day I'm going to give a little tour about what websites  I like when I enter at the net.
To be completely honest actually I turn on  the Pc and the first website that I  look through is Facebook. I give myself the job of check updates of my friends or university every day to keep me informed about all the sucess that happen in my immediate environment.
After of those, I start a long disgression for what I'm going to do with  my precious time. Someday I read newspaper online  as , o, wich are independent media that are not associated with the monopoloc consortium, allowing that they can share a kind of news with a higher relation to current problems of our country. I found this websites for a book that was at home and it was a publication of the Le Monde Diplomatique's editorial. Here I know about independent media a years ago I became aware how the information is transmitted and what are the slant of it.
When I finish this activity, I search for games o movies to watch in Minijuegos because sometimes I'm lucky and I found a fun  and ridiculous game or a interesting movie in, where there all kind of movies to enjoy a nice afternoon.

As a little suggestion, is a very complete comunity where is possible to upload free music, books, jokes, wallpapers, games  and information about religion or futbol. It's especially recommendable to search stranges songs, very expensive pc programms or unpublished games.

1 comment:

  1. I use facebook for update for things but I dont like; and taringa is a site verycomplete and efficient :D
