The conference Do schools kill creativity? dictated by Kenneth Robinson in 2006 is an echo that shows the problems that modern education systems drags throughout the world and it has direct links with the climate of discontent and the context of Chile.
The author reveals the central points of the modern crisis which are the stigmatization of the mistakes, the development of one type of intelligence and the introduction of economic logics in student’s education.
The first point I think is relevant in the global analysis because it reveals a practice that occurs in all areas in which mistakes are seen as a negative feature and not as an act that is part of the growth process by which children learn and they draw lessons from experience. This section eliminates the trial and error phase, being displaced by the pathological need for efficiency and speed imposed by the economic system.
The second point illustrates well how the range of human activities has been reduced, focusing only on intellectual development, leaving aside the manual and physical work. . Man is conceived like a caged animal that has no chance to show, maximize and value their talents, restricting to a minimum area of capacity.
The school also directs, in the third point, his education plan in the interests of the labor market for the creation of skills that will be useful to the world economy. Children are constrained to their natural instincts.
Therefore, I am in total agreement with Sir Robinson is necessary to restructure the education that enhances the many different talents of each student to create an integrated citizen living happy and full of different ways to face reality and understand it. It is ultimately aspire to real pluralism. Alternatively, as a personal suggestion, is not to dismiss self-taught. The knowledge may also emanate from you.