Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This  is the last post of the semester and  for this reason It's a good occasion to do a review about how we learn English, what importance it have in our life and how we can improve the knowledge of this language.
I started  to learn English at the school and later I entered to The Norteamerican Institute to keep learning English and as a form to to reinforce  the education of the high school.  In those moments the English served the function  of be a simple academic obstacle to pass the years. I felt  the English that I learnt was  very distant of my every day life.

But when I entered to the University , I could have contact with a deeper application of this language. In my experience, the English became in a useful tool because it opened a  giant current of new information. Also it transformed in a possibility to express and  disseminate and idea because it reaches a wider audience of many different places.

In the University the first courses were boring, they used many books. The knowledge was  very mnemonic, mechanic  and based in a old methods. But the superior levels are funnier. There are a connection with the interests of the student and his reality. It can  talk an develop about topics that I want . In this sense, I think that I approved phonetic  and grammatic but I should focus in expand my vocabulary, This my principal lack but I'm  trying  to develop across of activities as listen music  and see movies in English.

Finally, In my opinion the teaching of English should be connected with the reality and actions of the student, helping to him/her to develop skills and expand his/her world.  This form, the English it transformed in a useful tool and not in a obstacle.

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